We are so excited to journey with you, as you learn more about Jesus and our faith.

We’ve got a great 4 week program as well as lots of other resources and information for you, below!

Running over 4 weeks, Faith Explained covers foundational questions of our Christian faith and belief in Jesus Christ.

Join us each week in your local campus, over hospitality, as we hear teaching from our team, and discuss foundational topics that are crucial to the understanding of our faith as we grow in our journey with God.

Faith Explained is for everyone! Whether you've just started on your journey with Christ, want to strengthen your faith foundations, or simply want to know more about what Christianity is, Faith Explained is for you.

Creation & The Fall of Man
Sin & The Enemy
Jesus & Salvation
The Word of God
Freedom & Identity
Baptism in Water
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Connects & Carrying

Faith Explained runs throughout the year, so you may join us at anytime!

To find out more or to sign up, leave us your details in the form below.

Work Entry


This form once completed by you with any information ("data"), provides Kingdomcity (defined in our Privacy Notice) with a legitimate interest to hold and maintain such data according to Kingdomcity's Privacy Notice, available at https://kingdomcity.com/privacy/ and confirms your consent (until revoked) for further contact.


We have been created by God, for relationship with Him. Jesus is the Son of God who lived on this earth, blameless, without sin.

Sin is the word used to describe the separation between God and man, and the consequence of sin is eternal separation from Him. The Bible says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God", Romans 3:23 (NIV).

God’s love for us was so great that He sent Jesus Christ to bridge the gap and put us in right standing with Himself.

Just as in a court of law, we face punishment of death for living in a fallen world and all being guilty of sin. Having known no sin, Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the cross. He paid the price for our sin – a price we could not pay on our own. "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.", 1 Corinthians 15:21 (NIV).

Through the death of Jesus Christ, we are now able to come into relationship with God. All we need to do is repent of our sin, believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is the son of God. "For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.", Romans 10:10 (NIV).


Dear Jesus,

I acknowledge that I have made mistakes; I have made choices that have fallen short of Your best for my life. I have sinned and I need a Saviour. Jesus, I believe You are God’s own Son and You died to pay the price for my sin and gave me eternal life. I believe that You rose to life again, three days later, to give me victory. I receive Your forgiveness for my sin and ask You to come into my heart. Wash me clean of all I have done wrong and help me, Lord, to begin to live for You. Holy Spirit, come into my life and help me to get to know You as my Lord and Saviour.

Thank you, Jesus. Amen


Work Entry



This form once completed by you with any information ("data"), provides Kingdomcity (defined in our Privacy Notice) with a legitimate interest to hold and maintain such data according to Kingdomcity's Privacy Notice, available at https://kingdomcity.com/privacy/ and confirms your consent (until revoked) for further contact.


What does it mean to practically experience God? Listen in to this video with Kingdomcity’s Senior Leader, Pastor Mark Varughese as he teaches and elaborates on the fundamental ways we can experience God’s power and presence in our daily lives. May it inspire you to think about the limitless God we serve and challenge you to hunger after God even more.
